10DLC Registration
Register your 10DLC campaigns
10DLC is the latest evolution in A2P messaging, empowering businesses to reach their entire customer base with text messaging. Register your messaging campaigns today to maximize your business' messaging potential and avoid penalization.

Start your registration today
Fill out and submit the form below to get started with your 10DLC campaign registration.
Stay in the loop
AT&T announced new rates to be charged for unregistered traffic, effective March 1st, 2022
01/18/2022 -10DLC
- Messaging Termination Fees – Non-Migrated traffic remaining on P2P platform
- 10 DLC Messaging Fees: $0.004 per SMS (MT and MO), $0.005 per MMS (MT and MO)
T-Mobile announced new rates to be charged for unregistered traffic, effective March 1st, 2022
01/14/2022 -10DLC
- Messaging Termination Fees – Non-Migrated traffic remaining on P2P platform
- 10 DLC Messaging Fees: $0.004 per SMS (MT and MO), $0.013 per MMS (MT and MO)
- Campaign Service Activation Fee* – $50
This one-time pass-through fee is charged by T-Mobile for each campaign provisioned through Tychron as the direct aggregator during the implementation process. Tychron will pass this fee through to you in your next applicable billing cycle. - Campaign Service Migration Fees* – $50
This one-time pass-through fee is charged by T-Mobile for each campaign provisioned through Tychron as the direct aggregator during the implementation process. Tychron will pass this fee through to you in your next applicable billing cycle.
T-Mobile Grey Route Messaging Non-Compliance fee is under review
11/05/2021 - 10DLC
The Grey Route Messaging Non-Compliance fee is under review by T-Mobile and any revised effective date will be communicated as soon as Tychron has received confirmation from the MNO.
T-Mobile Campaign Registration and Migration Fees postponed
11/05/2021 - 10DLC
T-Mobile has postponed the effective date for the 10 DLC Campaign Registration and Migration Fees ($50 per campaign). The new date will be forthcoming with a 30-day notice
T-Mobile unregistered / non-migrated messaging fee increase postponed
10/29/2021 - 10DLC
T-Mobile has postponed the MO/MT December 1st, 2021, termination fee increase for unregistered and/or non-migrated traffic that remains on the legacy P2P platform.
New effective date for T-Mobile campaign activation and migration fees
10/1/2021 - 10DLC
T-Mobile has amended its plans to implement billing for $50 Campaign Service Activation Fees & $50 Campaign Service Migration Fees. These fees were initially scheduled to take effect on October 1, 2021. Please be advised that the new effective date for T-Mobile's $50 Activation & Migration Fee is now December 1, 2021. (date subject to change)
New changes to AT&T’s requirements for 10 DLC campaign registration
9/5/2021 – 10DLC
The following AT&T Participating Carrier Requirements are in addition to any previously communicated requirements for launched US carriers (including AT&T) and the terms of Tychron's standard Acceptable Use Policy. AT&T requires compliance with the terms of its Messaging Code of Conduct.
Additional Requirements and Conditions for AT&T
The following terms and updates apply to AT&T 10DLC programs:
- AT&T's 10 DLC program is currently in a registration “grace period.” All groups and organizations should register their text campaigns.
- To address specific use cases and allow time for additional campaign registration, the registration grace period is extended. A minimum of 30 days' notification will be provided before the expiration of this grace period.
- Unregistered traffic will continue to be subject to P2P spam policies and traffic throughput restrictions.
- Message senders that register are assigned an AT&T messaging class and will pay lower “per message termination fees” and are less likely to be marked as spam than unregistered message senders as they are known entities.
- Unregistered message senders do not pay TCR fees, but they will pay the highest possible “per message termination fees” to Messaging Aggregators due to their unregistered status. See the message class table below.
- Brands seeking to send bulk messages without registering (i.e., unregistered message senders) will have the lowest level of service (higher per text fees, significantly lower message throughput, and more stringent spam filtering).
- Registration does not guarantee message delivery. If AT&T (or any AT&T MVNO) receives complaints concerning unwanted messages, the sending campaign may be subject to remedial treatment, including suspension and/or blocking of unwanted, fraudulent, or malicious messages.
- Standard Classes of Service
- Trust” Scores will no longer be part of the initial registration process
- Registration will verify the Brand / Campaign information
- Verified Russell 3000 companies will get Class A or B. All other verified campaigns will be assigned to Class E or F by default
- Note: throughput for Classes E & F is being increased significantly
- To move to a higher standard class, with corresponding higher throughput, vetting will be required.
- Campaigns/brands that cannot be verified will not be registered.
- “Special” Classes of Service:
- “Trust” Scores are not part of the registration process
- The following registered message senders are exempt from “per message termination fees”: 501(c)(3) organizations, public safety messaging, K-12 educational and virtual learning programs. Additional information is required at registration to be eligible for these exceptions. Exception requests are not available prior to September 1, 2021.
- Throughput and SPAM enforcement for the following classes will be at the number vs the campaign level
- – Class “G” – Proxy Number Pools
- – Class “N” – Agent / Franchise / Local branches
- – Class “Y” – Reserved for K-12 distant learning
- – Class “Z” – Platform Free Trial
- AT&T has re-named certain Message Classes (i.e., Election Campaigns – designation change to “K” and Carrier Exempt classes have been renamed)
- Message traffic needs to be registered and assigned correctly in Tychron’s network in order for the traffic to be correctly rated, invoiced, and to have the proper throughput limits applied for the registered message class.
New changes to T-Mobile’s messaging fees and other campaign registration fees
8/24/2021 – 10DLC
Effective October 1, 2021, T-mobile will be implementing the following rate increases for non-migrated traffic (10DLC messaging not registered with a campaign – December 1st 2021). Additional non-compliance fees will also be implemented on the same date to messaging that violates T-Mobile's Code of Conduct (These fees will be passed on to Tychron customers, along with an explanation of the non-compliant messaging).
- 10 DLC Messaging Fees – each SMS (MT and MO): $0.003
- 10 DLC Messaging Fees – each MMS (MT and MO): $0.01
- 10 DLC Messaging Fees – each SMS (MT and MO): $0.004
- 10 DLC Messaging Fees – each MMS (MT and MO): $0.013
- Campaign Service Activation Fee: $50
- A fee charged by T-mobile for each campaign activation that is passed through by Tychron to your next-billing cycle.
- Campaign Service Migration Fees: $50
- A fee charged by T-mobile for each campaign migrated from one messaging aggregator to another after its initial activation. This fee is passed through by Tychron to your next-billing cycle.
- 10DLC Long Code Messaging Program Evasion: $1,000
- A pass-through fee applied to messaging traffic (per incident) that uses evasion techniques such as snowshoeing, unauthorized number replacement, and dynamic routing.
- Text Enablement: $10,000
- A pass-through fee applied if T-Mobile receives a complaint where you or your message sender text-enables a 10-digit NANP telephone number and sends messages prior to verification of message sender ownership.
- Content Violation: $10,000
- T-Mobile may charge this pass-through fee for each unique instance of the third or any subsequent notification of a content violation involving the same content provider. Content violation is defined as sending messages in violation of the rules in the Code of Conduct, and are usually SHAFT violations (Sex, Hate, Alcohol, Firearms, Tobacco) but would also include spam or phishing, or messaging that meets the threshold of a Severity 0 violation per the CTIA Short Code Monitoring Handbook.
- Grey Route: $10 for each 10DLC message sent through a grey route.
- This pass-through fee applies if you attempt to route A2P messages as P2P messages after 10DLC is enabled.
- [Please note that failure to migrate any 10 DLC traffic from the legacy P2P connection to T-Mobile's 10 DLC Platform in accordance with T-Mobile's established timelines as outlined above constitutes “grey-route” noncompliance.]
- This pass-through fee applies to 10 DLC edge cases that require special approval and configuration on the T-Mobile network outside of the regular 10 DLC provisioning process. Examples: the use of proxy numbers (rideshare example), approval for sharing a 10 DLC number or very high capacity required by a brand in excess of what is normally required.
- The T-Mobile Special Business Review Fees pass-through fee will apply on a future date to be communicated by T-Mobile with a minimum of 30-days notice.
New details and updates for Campaign Registration and Use Case Selection
8/16/2021 – 10DLC
There are new updates for 10DLC campaign registration with the Political and Charity Use Cases. Download the latest version of our Use Case Selection Guide to gain a full understanding of 10DLC campaign registration and register your campaign through Tychron today to get ready for the newest changes coming to the business messaging ecosystem.
New TextNow pass-through fees
5/2/2021 – 10DLC
Effective June 1, 2021, all mobile terminated (MT) SMS and MMS messages associated with the TextNow network will be assessed a per-message charge as follows:
- SMS will be flat rated for all classes at $0.002 per MT
- MMS will be flat rated for all classes at $0.002 per MT
Changes to T-Mobile messaging charges
4/27/2021 – 10DLC
Effective April 28th, T-Mobile provided notice that they will be delaying the per-message surcharge until June 1st 2021. 10DLC A2P traffic sent through T-Mobile / Sprint will be subject to the following messaging fees:
- SMS will be flat rated for all classes at $0.003 per MT and MO
- MMS will be flat rated for all classes at $0.003 per MT and MOT
Changes to the grace period for campaign / brand registration
3/31/2021 – 10DLC
AT&T is making the following changes to the grace period to facilitate campaign and brand registration:
- To address specific use cases and allow time for additional campaign registration, the registration grace period is extended until further notice.
- 10DLC pass through fees went into effect on March 1, 2021.
- However, AT&T is offering temporary discounted SMS and MMS rates during the registration grace period.
- Beginning March 1, the following discounted rates continue to apply:
- SMS will be flat rated for all classes at $0.002 per MT
- MMS will be flat rated for all classes at $0.0035 per MT
- AT&T will provide a minimum 30 days' notice of any change to the above discounted rates.
- Unregistered traffic will continue to be subject to P2P spam policies and traffic throughput restrictions as well as the above discounted rates.
Got Questions?
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